Why is my campaign is spending, but not driving low or zero purchases?

If your campaign is spending budget and receiving a good amount of impressions or clicks but isn't generating many purchases, consider the following potential issues:

  • Check the dev logs in the Dev Tools section of the Topsort platform to ensure there are no purchase event API requests with errors.
  • Verify that the sessionId or opaqueUserId of your purchase events is correct and matches the clicks.
  • Ensure that events are sent in the correct order, especially for batches of events (purchases after impressions).
  • Check if your purchase events are within the attribution window. While it's permissible to send purchase events after the attribution window, the occurredAt field must fall within the window following the click.

If you need to adjust the attribution window, contact our engineering team via our service desk. If none of these steps resolve the issue, contact our engineering team through our service desk for further assistance.