What is the format if I want to pass the catalog as a CSV file or a google product feed?

Optimizing Product Data Formats for Topsort Integration

When passing your catalog as a CSV file or Google Product Feed, adhering to the specified format is crucial. Here's how to structure your data effectively for each format:

CSV Format:

  • Each row represents a product.
  • Each column represents a different attribute of the product.

Here's an example format for the CSV file:

1,Product 1,Description 1,10,Animals & Pet Supplies > Pet Supplies > Cat Supplies,1 > 2 > 4
2,Product 2,Description 2,20,Toys & Games > Outdoor Play Equipment > Sandboxes,1239 > 1249 > 2743

Google Product Feed:

The Google Product Feed follows a specific XML format defined by Google.

  • Each product is represented by an <item> tag, and each attribute of the product is specified within the <item> tag.
  • Ensure to replace the placeholder values (such as Your Product Feed, https://www.example.com, etc.) with your actual data. Additionally, make sure that the <g:id> tag represents the unique advertiser ID for each product.

For detailed information on passing the catalog in these formats, refer to our documentation on Product Feed (Recommended).