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What is a sponsored listing?

Sponsored listings boost visibility, driving sales by strategically placing ads based on keywords!

Sponsored listings are a powerful advertising tool that monetizes existing traffic and enables vendors to elevate their product listings to premium positions, ensuring maximum visibility to potential customers. Brands and vendors can boost their product listings to appear in prominent locations, increasing impressions and driving sales.

These ads, also known as Sponsored Products or Promoted Listings, typically operate on a cost-per-click (CPC) model and are strategically placed on relevant pages and website categories based on targeted keywords. Serving as our bottom-of-funnel format, they excel at converting users who are actively searching within a specific category. Sponsored Listings offer a win-win scenario, delivering a positive user experience with relevant ads while providing vendors with increased exposure and sales opportunities.

Watch the video below
to learn more about maximizing your ad visibility and sales with Sponsored Listings: