How can I efficiently handle product with lots of variants?

Navigating Product Variants with Topsort's API

To ensure a seamless integration experience and effective attribution, follow these recommendations:

1. Clearly Define Product Variants:

  • Upload and maintain different variants of your products with unique IDs in the Topsort catalog, particularly if your platform displays variants separately.
  • Use a consistent naming structure for variants, appending unique suffixes to the master product SKU.
  • This ensures easy identification and management of all variants associated with a master product when adding them to campaigns.

2. Utilize Main/Parent ID for Attribution:

  • When users navigate through the main/parent product to access variants during purchase, attribute the purchase to the main/parent ID.
  • This ensures accurate attribution within the appropriate campaign, simplifying catalog management.
  • Consolidating metrics for all variants under the main/parent product simplifies catalog integration and reduces complexity.

3. Two Approaches for Multiple Variants:

  • Master Product Upload: Upload a single "master" product encompassing all variants for broad promotion.

    For example, instead of listing "Pink Polo Shirt, size XL," you would upload a more general "Men Polo Shirt" product. This approach allows all variants to be promoted when creating campaigns using this product.

  • Individual Variant Upload: Upload each variant separately for targeted promotion, allowing flexibility but potentially denser catalogs.

    While this grants advertisers greater flexibility to promote specific variants, it may lead to a denser catalog. Each variant is listed separately, enabling advertisers to target and promote each variant individually according to their preferences and objectives.

Following these steps streamlines product variant integration with Topsort's API. Our support team is ready to assist you through the process. Reach out for further inquiries or assistance—we're here to help you succeed.