I am having the ad spent I expected but low or no purchases (could be providing wrong session or opaqueUserId)

A Guide to Troubleshooting Low Purchase Rates

If you're experiencing a situation where your campaign is spending its budget on impressions or clicks but not generating the expected number of purchases, there could be several reasons for this discrepancy. Here's how to address it:
  1. Check Dev Logs: Review the developer logs in the Dev Tools section of the Topsort platform to ensure that there are no errors in the API requests for purchase events. Look for any error messages or indications of failed requests that may be preventing the proper tracking of purchases.
  2. Verify Session or OpaqueUserID: Double-check the sessionId or opaqueUserId values associated with your purchase events to ensure they are correct. Also, ensure that you have corresponding clicks with the same IDs. Mismatched or incorrect session IDs or opaqueUserIDs can result in failed attribution of purchases.
  3. Order of Event Sending: Pay attention to the order in which you're sending events, especially if you're sending batches of events such as purchases after impressions. Events should be sent in the correct chronological order to ensure accurate attribution. Sending purchase events before associated click events may lead to attribution issues.
  4. Attribution Window: Make sure that your purchase events are sent within the attribution window. While it's okay to send purchase events after the attribution window, the occurredAt field must fall within the window following the associated click event. If necessary, contact Topsort's engineering team to inquire about adjusting the attribution window. 

If you've checked all of the above steps and still can't identify the reason for the low or no purchases being attributed, don't hesitate to reach out to Topsort's engineering team for assistance.

By systematically checking these potential issues, you can ensure that your campaign's budget is being effectively utilized and maximize the effectiveness of your advertising efforts.