How to Resolve Inconsistencies and streamline Events Integration

Avoiding Integration Pain Points with Topsort

At Topsort, we're dedicated to ensuring smooth integration and accurate reporting of crucial metrics like impressions, clicks, and purchases. Here are key recommendations to streamline your integration process:

  1. Consolidate Purchases Reporting:
    To maintain consistency between impressions/clicks and reported purchases, consider integrating the reporting of purchases directly into your events integration. This involves persisting the resolvedBidId and opaqueUserId and reporting them through the API whenever a purchase occurs. By doing so, all purchases, regardless of their nature, are accurately attributed to the respective campaigns.

  2. Report All Purchases:
    It's crucial to ensure that all purchases made by users are reported, regardless of whether they are promotional or not. Although this may present challenges, reporting all purchases is essential for accurate campaign performance tracking. We can educate your team on the significance of reporting every purchase and provide guidance on persisting the necessary data for successful reporting.

  3. Educate Users on Analytics.js Integration:
    Address user queries and potential issues related to the analytics.js integration process by offering comprehensive documentation and step-by-step guides. This documentation should clearly outline the necessary markup and explain how impressions, clicks, and purchases can be tracked through the library. Clear communication and ongoing support will empower your team to integrate the analytics.js library successfully.

By proactively addressing these integration challenges, we ensure a seamless experience for your team. Clear communication, comprehensive documentation, and ongoing support are pivotal for accurate reporting and successful integration.