1. Topsort Help
  2. Topsort Guide for Vendors
  3. Campaign Creation - Sponsored Listings, Banners

How do I create a banner campaign?

Follow these easy steps to create a banner campaign:

Step 1: Click on the "Create Campaign" button at the top right of the Vendor dashboard and choose "Banner Ads" from the dropdown menu.


Step 2: Upload banner creatives following content standards.

Step 3: Choose banner placement (home, category or search page) and select a slot. Crop your image to fit dimensions for mobile/desktop.

Step 4: Set banner targeting and destination, where your ad is going to drive users when they click on it.

Step 5: Set campaign name, targeting, duration and bidding type. Then submit for approval.

Use Autobidding to simplify ad management, scale efficiency, optimize returns, and maximize revenue. Learn more about this seamless and effective advertising solution here.

Campaigns are submitted for review by the marketplace admin. You will be notified in the “tasks center” once your campaign is approved.

    Check out the video below for a visual reference:


    Discover more about how you can maximize your advertising goals while minimizing the time and effort required for bid management with Autobidding here.