1. Topsort Help
  2. Topsort Guide for Vendors
  3. Campaign Creation - Sponsored Listings, Banners

How many campaigns should I create?

Crafting your campaign strategy to align with your objectives and resources.

While there's no limit to the number of campaigns you can create, it's crucial to have a clear campaign strategy. Some vendors opt for a single campaign with multiple products to maximize sales and brand awareness, while others run multiple campaigns, each targeting specific product categories or themes.

Ultimately, when it comes to campaign creation, consider these factors:

  1. Business Goals: Align your campaigns with your overarching objectives.
  2. Inventory Size & Restock Speed: Determine the frequency and scale of your campaigns based on available inventory and restocking capabilities.
  3. Diversity: Showcase a diverse range of products to cater to varied customer preferences.
  4. Strategy Flexibility: While there's no limit to campaign creation, ensure each aligns with a clear strategy.
  5. Tailored Approach: Some vendors consolidate multiple products into a single campaign for broader reach, while others opt for specific themes or categories.

Craft your campaign strategy wisely to optimize sales and brand exposure!

Next: Create your first Banner Campaign or Sponsored Listing Campaign. Then, learn more about Autobidding, Topsort's bidless technology that revolutionizes bid pricing for advertisers, here