How is the attribution made for sponsored listings?

Sponsored listings attribution in Topsort relies on opaqueUserId. Ensure accurate data transfer to have a successful experience!

The attribution for sponsored listings in Topsort is based on the opaqueUserId attribute provided in both the click event and the purchase event. Here's how the attribution process works:

  • Click Event: When a user clicks on a sponsored listing, the opaqueUserId associated with that user is recorded and sent along with the click event data to Topsort.
  • Purchase Event: When a purchase is made by the same user, the opaqueUserId is again included in the purchase event data sent to Topsort.
  • Attribution Check: At the time of the purchase event, Topsort checks if there was any previous click event with the same opaqueUserId. If a matching click event is found and it occurred within the attribution window (which is typically set to 14 days), the purchase is attributed to that click.
  • Attribution Window: The attribution window represents the period during which a click can be attributed to a subsequent purchase. By default, this window is set to 14 days, but it may vary depending on specific circumstances.
  • Attribution to Auction and Campaign: If a matching click event is found within the attribution window, the purchase is attributed to the corresponding auction and campaign associated with that click event.

If there are cases where purchases are not being attributed correctly, it's essential to: 

  • Ensure the opaqueUserId is correctly passed and consistent between click and purchase events.
  • Check for errors in in the click or purchase recorded events in "Developer Tools."
  • Confirm click events are sent within Topsort's attribution window.

For persistent issues or inquiries, contact Topsort customer support for assistance.