How could I include multiple category paths for the products?

Enhancing Product Catalogs with Multiple Category Paths

To incorporate multiple category paths for products in your catalog, leverage the categories field within your product feed. Here's how to structure it effectively:

  1. Use a Delimiter: Separate each category path with a designated delimiter.
  2. Specify Individual Categories: Within each path, use another delimiter to distinguish individual categories.

For instance, let's say you have a product accessible through two different category paths:

  • Path 1: Electronics > Computers > Laptops
  • Path 2: Office Supplies > Electronics > Laptops

Represent these paths in the categories field like so:

Electronics > Computers > Laptops | Office Supplies > Electronics > Laptops

In this example, the vertical bar (|) serves as the delimiter between the two category paths, while the greater-than sign (>) separates individual categories within each path.

By formatting the categories field accordingly, you can provide information about multiple category paths for your products, allowing them to be accessed through various taxonomy structures on your marketplace website. Please note that this formatting applies specifically to Google feed formats. We don't support the use of semicolons for separation.