How could I delete products, categories or vendors from my account

To delete products, categories, or vendors from your Topsort account, follow these steps:

  1. Use the Delete Endpoints: Topsort provides delete endpoints in its Catalog API for deleting products, categories, and vendors. You can access these endpoints to initiate the deletion process.
  2. Ensure Correct IDs: Before proceeding with deletion, double-check that you are using the correct IDs for the products, categories, or vendors you want to delete. This helps ensure that you are deleting the intended items.
  3. Check for Active Campaigns: Verify whether any active campaigns are associated with the vendors you intend to delete. Deleting a vendor with active campaigns may cause issues or unintended consequences. If there are active campaigns, deactivate them before proceeding with deletion.
  4. Deactivate Campaigns: If there are active campaigns associated with the vendors or products you plan to delete, deactivate them beforehand. This prevents any disruptions or errors in the campaign management process.
  5. Delete Products and Categories First: If you are deleting vendors, ensure that you delete all associated products and categories first. This prevents orphan products without a vendor after deletion. Use the delete endpoints for products and categories as necessary.
  6. Execute Deletion: Once you have completed the necessary preparations and checks, execute the deletion process using the appropriate delete endpoints in the Topsort Catalog API.
  7. Verify Deletion: After deletion, verify that the products, categories, or vendors have been successfully removed from your Topsort account. You can do this by checking the Topsort platform or by using API endpoints to retrieve information about your account's contents.

By following these steps, you can safely delete products, categories, or vendors from your Topsort account without causing any disruptions to your campaigns or data integrity.