How do I make my campaign appear in certain categories?

To ensure your campaign appears in specific categories on Topsort, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Desired Categories: Determine which categories you want your campaign to target. These are the categories where you want your products to be displayed.
  2. Edit Product Categories: If your campaign lacks products in the desired categories, you'll need to adjust the categories associated with those products. This can be done via the Topsort API using the Upsert Products endpoint.
  3. Utilize the Upsert Products Endpoint: Use the Upsert Products endpoint in the Topsort API to modify the categories of your products. This endpoint allows you to update existing products or add new ones to your catalog.
  4. Specify Category IDs: When using the Upsert Products endpoint, ensure you include the category IDs to which you want to assign your products. The categories field in the request payload should contain a list of category IDs for each product.
  5. Save Changes: After making the necessary adjustments to the product categories and assigning them to the desired categories, save your changes by sending the request to the Topsort API.
  6. Verify Campaign Settings: Once you've updated the product categories, review your campaign settings on the Topsort platform to confirm that the desired categories are now included. These settings determine which categories of products participate in your campaign's auctions.
For a more visual guide, check out the image below for a visual reference: