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How are Sponsored Listings ads charged?

Optimize Your Advertising Budget with Topsort!

At Topsort, we've designed our ads to be true value propositions aligned with your budget. You're only charged when a customer clicks on your promoted listing. The cost per click (CPC) you pay will never exceed your maximum bid.

In the auction, where you compete with other vendors for premium placements, we calculate your payment to be the smallest bid necessary to outbid your competition. If you're uncontested, you pay the smallest allowed bid, known as the reserve price. This ensures fairness and transparency in the auction process.

For instance, if you're selling water bottles and bid the highest, you'll pay the price bid by the vendor below you in the auction, not your original bid. Your CPC will always align with your bid, ensuring cost-effective advertising tailored to your budget


Now, you can unlock Banner Ad success! Dive into the Marketplace Dashboard and the Vendors Dashboard, and discover how Autobidding can propel your campaigns to new heights.