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How are Banner Ads charged?

Understanding Banner Ad Billing

Banner ads operate primarily on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis, with alternative billing methods available upon discussion. We also support Cost Per Mille (CPM) billing tailored to marketplace needs.

CPC Model Breakdown:

  • Cost Control: Your actual cost per click will equal or be less than your maximum bid, determined by competitive auctions.
  • Auction Dynamics: In auctions, vendors bid for premium placements. Winning bids pay the minimum needed to outbid competitors.

Example Scenario: If Vendor A bids $10, Vendor B bids $8, and Vendor C bids $3, the winning vendor (Vendor A) pays the bid of the second-place vendor (Vendor B), in this case, $8 per click.

Now, you can unlock Banner Ad success!
Dive into the Marketplace Dashboard and the Vendors Dashboard, and discover how Autobidding can propel your campaigns to new heights.