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Choosing a strategy for your campaigns

Topsort's advanced algorithm will aim to maximise the ROAS for each campaign while also driving an absolute increase in sales. That said, in some cases it makes sense to either be more conservative or more aggressive.

Understanding Bidless Strategies

With Topsort's Autobidding technology, you don’t have to tweak the CPC constantly; instead, you select a strategy that aligns with your goals. Our system uses advanced algorithms to optimize your Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) effectively, which is simply the revenue you earn from promoted sales for every dollar or peso spent on ads. By choosing a strategy, you let the algorithm adjust the bids dynamically to achieve the desired outcome, whether that’s maximizing visibility, sales, or efficiency.

Strategy Options

We offer three core strategies for your campaigns: Aggressive, Moderate, and Conservative. Let’s break down what each means for your campaigns:

  • Moderate: This is the balanced option, aiming to achieve the target ROAS set by the marketplace, which should reflect your average goal across campaigns. The Moderate strategy will aim for a high ROAS, providing a steady and controlled approach to your ad spend and returns.

  • Aggressive: Opting for an Aggressive strategy means aiming for higher overall sales at the cost of a lower ROAS. This strategy is designed to increase your ad’s visibility by entering more auctions, even if the predicted conversion rates are lower. It’s ideal for situations where your goal is to maximize exposure, clear stock, or promote a new product, especially during high-traffic events like Black Friday.

  • Conservative: The Conservative strategy is the opposite of Aggressive. It targets a higher ROAS by entering fewer auctions, but only those with a high likelihood of conversion. This approach suits well-established products where maintaining profitability is more crucial than expanding visibility or volume of sales.

Making the Right Choice

While the Moderate strategy is generally recommended and suits most campaigns, there are circumstances where Aggressive or Conservative strategies could be more beneficial. Here’s how you can decide:

  • Launching New Products: Consider Aggressive to maximize visibility and drive higher volume sales.
  • High-Value, Established Products: Conservative might be best to ensure each ad spend translates into high-probability sales, preserving a high ROAS.
  • General Campaigns: Stick with Moderate to balance between volume and value, ensuring a steady and reliable advertising performance.

In summary, selecting the right bidless strategy is important to align your advertising efforts with your business goals. By understanding the implications of each option, you can tailor your approach to suit the specific needs of your campaign, whether you’re aiming for growth, visibility, or efficiency. Always align your strategy with your overall marketing objectives and the specific goals of each campaign.


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